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Autor Thema 

Grand Master of Rocketry



Registriert seit: Aug 2000

Wohnort: Neustadt

Verein: T2 , SOL-1

Beiträge: 5257

Status: Offline

Beitrag 30957 , Raketen & Debian Linux [Alter Beitrag13. Juni 2003 um 20:15]

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Folgendes bekam ich von einem befreundeten Linux-Guru per Mail geschickt:

Debian on a Rocket. Andrew Greenberg and Brian O'Neel from the
Portland State Aerospace Society built a 12 pound rocket which
shall launch this September and will travel at three times the speed
of sound to 55,000 feet. The team builds suborbital rockets
that are smaller than commercial rockets, but larger and more powerful
than hobby ones. In addition, the project relies on Free Software,
such as Debian, and hardware, which can dramatically improve the
performance of the rockets.

50. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,59144,00.html
51. http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix03/activities.html#rocket
52. http://twiki.psas.pdx.edu/bin/view/PSAS/Projects
53. http://twiki.psas.pdx.edu/bin/view/PSAS/Usenix2003Paper
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